

Healing as a story of reconnection to Self and the planet. How are you treating yourself and how do your choices influence the future? 

In order to make our world a better place we need to heal ourselves. Healing can be seen from so many different perspectives. Healing our physical body through the food and the medicine that we take. Healing our emotional state through processing difficult situations from the past in order to create a new future. Or healing as an collective by changing our directions and offering future generations a more regenerative way of living.  

Too often we don’t realize that we are a part of nature. We interact with our environment even if we find ourselves disconnected from it. nature lives in patterns and layers, ecosystems and orchestras, that inform and reflect each other to maintain balance and harmony as one. We only need to discover the pattern seen at all levels to heal.

On the physical level, our cell membrane is a permeable layer that interacts with other cells in its environment, choosing which ions to allow into the cell and which to repel. Likewise, our digestive tract is a permeable barrier that separates the food that nourishes our body from the blood that nourishes our cells. The skin also provides a permeable barrier between external and internal environments.

On a mental level, our perceptions are a the permeable barrier for our beliefs and thoughts. When we make choices based on our perceptions, we choose a path toward health or a path toward disease.

Orchestrating all layers and levels is the Higher Self, acting as conductor and offering up opportunities for growth at the spiritual level. Emotions are the wild card, if we still have access to them. They can lead us toward balance or they can run away with us, and get the best of us.

The interactions between our cells, our body, and our choices reflect the bigger picture of our personal relationships. Our personal relationships reflect exchanges between groups, communities, and the structures of government, education, medicine, economies, religion, and politics. All of these pictures mirror the picture of health for the planet.

And it doesn’t look pretty.

What appears to be the planet falling apart at the seams — earth quaking, oil spewing, document leaking, market manipulating, priest abusing, liberty crushing, rabble rousing, air polluting, industry-controlling, disease exploding — is really the proverbial mirror of our patterning of personal relationships.

The repeating destructive patterns in dysfunctional relationships never changes when we incorrectly attempt to fix the battle scars we see on the outside without dressing the wounds of the soft, chewy center. We are afraid to see that our discontent and disconnection with partners politicians, priests, and presidents starts with each of us.

In order to find balance, to be the activist environmentalist that heals the planet, we must first activate and balance our inner terrain. Because all relationships are spiritual in nature, we have to start with our own male and female energies, and claim our own piece of the energetic pie.

The union of our inner male and female energies is the essential ingredient that heals the tears in our seams and maintains our barriers. Self-forgiveness breeds forgiveness of others. Self-love breeds love for others. We cannot serve from an empty vessel. When we change the pattern and sew ourselves up, we sew up our relationships and the planet, as well. The microcosm is the macrocosm. Our nature is Nature. Relationships that do not evolve and grow will fall apart. Such is nature.

Not surprisingly, reconnection and healing happens through the heart centre. How to activate the heart chakra is another story. Stay tuned for Part 2.



Awakening to your true potential and your inner calling to be the best version of yourself! Who am I and what is my life purpose? 

To be awake in life means that we are fully conscious of the present moment. Whatever we do, we do it fully consciously, focusing on all our attention to the activity we are actually performing. 

Sounds easy! It is not.. We all know these situations where we react differently than we actually wanted to. The situations where we say mean things to the people we love most, but immediately regret it afterwards. These emotional breakouts and moments of unconscious chaos. We all know them. 

“awakening occurs when, for whatever reason, the ego somehow let’s go so that a Higher Self or Spirit can arise within.”

The moment when we acknowledge these unserving personality traits,  our bad behaviours and the negative patterns, we wake up. We realize that we have an “original spirit” or what Carl C. Jung called the Self.  It is the return of this higher self that makes us truly human. 

It is a process that takes time, exercise and lots of patience. 

How we are born into our lifes… 

We are born alone, but still as a part of a collective. In our first years of childhood we begin to grow with our family, friends, school, religion, and culture that shapes our personality.

We could call it the acquired mind as we acquire most of our knowledge through our environment. 

In the external world, this environment is conventional (as in conventional rules or conventional society).

This conventional code has specific guidelines of what we should believe, how we should behave and what we should do. This conventional, external world has structure and order that was created for many years. 

Our inner world… 

What we find out after a while is that within us is an entirely different world. And this inner world, for most of us, is as chaotic as ocean waves during a storm.

Both Freud and Jung, famous psychoanalysts,  called this undifferentiated chaos the unconscious.

This unconscious is everything within us that falls outside of our conscious awareness—everything we don’t know or can’t observe within ourselves. 

While we want to believe we’re conscious of most of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviour, all evidence suggests otherwise. We are, in truth, mostly unconscious beings.

This means that in the beginning, we are mostly asleep. Our surroundings and the society in which we were born conditions our consciousness. And so we remain unconscious to our true self for a long time. 

So how to begin this journey of awakening, of being more conscious?

Waking up is the stage of endless research and learning. Studying and processing information, about oneself and the world around us.

Let’s go on this learning journey together! 

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