Jungle Mystic – New Year Celebration in Punta Mona


My flight into freedom & independence – I am never alone

In November 2020 Germany began the second strict lockdown. We were able to only see one or two people at a time, only two households. I began my studies in San Francisco, but never actually made it there because of Covid. So I had to study online all night in Germany. After a few weeks I felt how much my eyes hurt and my concentration suffers from sitting in front of the screen by night for so many hours. Because of this and my birthday on the 14th of November I decided to take my first step into adulthood and independence and leave Germany. 

For the first time in my life, I flew alone to my birth country Costa Rica without my mum. A 12-hour flight into freedom and maturity. I remember sitting in the plane, watching the movie Ad Astra with Brat Pit and crying because of its touching message. Brad Pitt is searching for his father in the furthest reaches of the solar system and spends weeks and weeks alone in a spaceship in order to find him. His mission: to save planet earth and discover what brought the solar storms out of control in the universe. A beautiful and crazy story… One of these were you really get inspired to make a change on the world. 

So I am sitting there in this plane, alone, thinking that I am finally on my own when a soft hand touches my shoulder “Lila, bist du es?”, she said in German. The girl making sure that it was me is Sandra. She lived in my house in Puerto Viejo for a few months and had a major injury in the hospital beginnings of march last year. She had to be taken back in the plane to Germany and was in the hospital for several weeks. I never expected her being there in the plane with me. 

In a plane that is marked by fear of covid, masks and scared faces we began to scream out of joy. So unexpected, so unreal, so radom to meet her there in this plane. Just another beautiful coincidence of life. And to make it even more crazy. Do you know where she was sitting? Right behind me. Just one seat. 

So of course we asked the people next to her to change seats with us and we continued to talk all night long. We drank sparkling wine, chattered and laughed about our experiences with love and everything that happened. She told me that she is now finally making a move to get all her legal documents done to become a child doctor in Costa Rica. But not just any type of child doctor… She is an emergency doctor for all babies that are new borns and have problems. She basically saves a life since the first time this new soul comes to earth. 

I am extremely inspired by her and love to learn from her. We decided to live together in my flat in Puerto Viejo. Eventhough she spent most time with her crush, we went surfing a lot, painted the walls in my house and went partying. Luckily, she left one day before I noticed that I have covid. I am so excited and thrilled to see where our friendship goes. 


My 5 values of personal transformation

I keep reinventing myself… Constant evolution. As I am living through this extraordinary path I truly observe that everything is pure energy in motion. This thought guides me to cross all boarders of imagination allowing life’s magic to unfold in the synchronistic accurings that happen to me every day. Attracting what I truly need, being attracted by the divine. Many lessons to learn, many experiences to live. Trusting, praying and lovingly working towards my dreams and aspirations.

But what are some specific core values that I want to embody?
I am learning to put on many masks. Being a child, being a great friend, a lover, an entrepreneur, a business partner and always a student of life. My desire is to embrace every aspect of myself, every choices made or yet to come. I am the the sun and the moon. The feminine and the masculine. The analytic and the sensible. Brightness and darkness. I am the cosmic dance of life itself representing the concept of duality and onness in its most playful way.

1. Courage

I want to be curagious. To follow my intuition and passion… Yes, this thought is what keeps me strong, what holds me accountable to myself and others.

“I do what needs to be done, even when fear comes along for the ride.”

I am learning to put on many masks. Being a child, being a great friend, a lover, an entrepreneur, a business partner and always a student of life. My desire is to embrace every aspect of myself, every choices made or yet to come. I am the the sun and the moon. The feminine and the masculine. The analytic and the sensible. Brightness and darkness. I am the cosmic dance of life itself representing the concept of duality and oneness in its most playful way. I am brave and unstoppable to reach any goal I wish! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

2. Kindness

It’s more than just holding our tongues when we are tempted to say something unkind. Yes, true kindness and compassion looks for ways to make life better for others. It takes delight in lifting others up and reminding them they’re not alone, invisible, or insignificant.

I treat others as I want to be treated — with thoughtfulness, patience, and respect.”

We need to be ready to see a situation from someone else’s perspective. We need to take into consideration what others have gone through. There is a lot of packages, unsolved trauma and limiting beliefs in every deep corner of our souls… Let us choose to respond with kindness rather than anger or fear. Like this we are able to show subliminal appreciation for the connectedness of all living beings. Because when we show kindness and compassion to others, we benefit as much as they do.

3. Presence

When we are constantly pushing the buttons, aiming for high performance and always giving, giving, giving it is so important to just take ONE MINUTE for ourselves to be in the now.

This is my kind invitation to take a minute of presence. Enjoy the power of now and turn off your device, close your eyes and simply be grateful for the amazing gift to the world that you are!

I am alive. I am healthy. I have a roof over your head. I have enough food in my fridge. I have a phone to contact anyone around the world. I am loved. I am pure. I am blessed. I am thankful.

4. Listening

Seeking to understand first before we get understood.
Being focused and really aware of what someone is saying makes us better friends, partners and simply better humans.

When someone wants to tells us something, we give them our full attention and thoughtfully consider their words.

Whereas before we felt tense with the expectation of having to defend our beliefs against an unfriendly viewpoint, we’ve learned (through practice) to listen with genuine openness rather than an ego-centric fear of being proven wrong.

We recognize that we don’t know everything, and we don’t see even familiar things from every angle, so you appreciate it when others share their perspectives. Our your body language as well as your feedback shows that we are listening and that we care.

5. Growths

With every choice we take, with every person we meet with every experience we live we grow and evolve.

Every day, I’m growing more into the person I want to be.”

If we take the time to identify our overall mission then we can live in accordance with our true purpose actively choosing how we want to create our lives.

We know that growth isn’t a destination but a process, and therefore we want to enjoy every step of the process by also helping others to enjoy their own. And yes, real growth might mean to shake up things and work on ourselves!


More than just my first video job – my Journey of Awakening

Song of The Sea Retreat - Our embodied Passover Story

In March 2019 I filmed my first Retreat. My friend Aliza Rivka asked me to be the videographer for her first Retreat in Dominical, Costa Rica. 13 wonderful women and one man come together during Passover at Danyasa Eco-Retreat. The exploration on how it feels like to leap towards our own personal and collective liberation began! 


Together we journeyed through an embodied map of the Passover story as a metaphor for movements within and in our lives. We prayed, we shared, we witnessed, we discovered. In telling the same old story, we wrote some new ones. We danced with the elements, and with each other.

We held the tender places with compassion, and nudged each other into bold expression. We ate the best Passover food EVER (not exaggerating) thanks to kitchen witch Kelsey Kazarian, who nourished us and our culinary tradition with such love, creativity and magic.

We discovered that Costa Rica has Jewish history embedded in secret places like it’s language and lineage. We were supported by ancestors, angels and guides—including Miriam—in powerful ways. We literally circle danced at the sea. And we remembered the wellspring within, the abundance of knowing built-in to our very beingness.


What exactly is the story of Passover about?

Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, is one of the Jewish religion’s most sacred and widely observed holidays. In Judaism, Passover commemorates the story of the Israelites’ departure from ancient Egypt, which appears in the Hebrew Bible’s books of Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, among other texts.

For many years the Israelites live in harmony in the province of Goshen, but as their population grows the Egyptians begin to see them as a threat. After the death of Joseph and his brothers, the story goes, a particularly hostile pharaoh orders their enslavement and the systematic drowning of their firstborn sons in the Nile.

One of these doomed infants is rescued by the pharaoh’s daughter, given the name Moses (meaning “one who is pulled out”) and adopted into the Egyptian royal family. When he reaches adulthood, Moses becomes aware of his true identity and the Egyptians’ brutal treatment of his fellow Hebrews. He kills an Egyptian slave master and escapes to the Sinai Peninsula, where he lives as a humble shepherd for 40 years.

One day, however, Moses receives a command from God to return to Egypt and free his kin from bondage, according to the Hebrew bible. Along with his brother Aaron, Moses approaches the reigning pharaoh (who is unnamed in the biblical version of the story) several times, explaining that the Hebrew God has requested a three-day leave for his people so that they may celebrate a feast in the wilderness.

When the pharaoh refuses, God unleashes 10 plagues on the Egyptians, including turning the Nile River red with blood, diseased livestock, boils, hailstorms and three days of darkness, culminating in the slaying of every firstborn son by an avenging angel. The Israelites, however, mark the doorframes of their homes with lamb’s blood so that the angel of death will recognize and “pass over” each Jewish household.

Terrified of further punishment, the Egyptians convince their ruler to release the Israelites, and Moses quickly leads them out of Egypt. ayAs the Egyptian army approaches the fleeing Jews at the edge of the Red Sea, a miracle occurs: God causes the sea to part, allowing Moses and his followers to cross safely, then closes the passage and drowns the Egyptians.

According to the Hebrew Bible, the Jews—now numbering in the hundreds of thousands—then trek through the Sinai desert for 40 tumultuous years before finally reaching their ancestral home in Canaan, later known as the Land of Israel.


How I see it - Transition to Selflove and Unity

My Religion is love. My god is the universe and the divine existence of the whole. I believe in Harmony and the fact that ALL IS ONE. We are one with the Earth, one with the sky, one with the Elements and one with everyone else. We simply are reflections of everything around us. 

And still... Since thousands of years we as a human civilisation are stick in war. Mostly those wars are driven out of power, ego, fear and the different patterns of belief. Yes, Religions are mostly the reasons for war.

Which God is the one? Which holy book represent the truth? Who is right? Who is wrong? 

In the end it is again a war of Ego. As a result, those who can do nothing for the differences of opinion in the world are those who suffer most. The weak, the poor. Children and families. 


The Journey to Self-love 

We are all enslaved to ourselves. So this journey of Passover is not just about Moses and the Story of Exodus. It is about finding our truth, the roots of our origins. It is about freeing ourselves from our own slavery. Yes, we are slaves to our habits, our patterns and the stories we constantly tell ourselves to not get out of the comfort zone. What if there is a journey of individual and collective evolution that shows us a path of truth, of unity and responsible interaction with our mother Earth? 

Moses wakes up from his royal family status and the abundant palace he lives in to live as a humble sheppart for 40 years. Living in Harmony with the Earth, his mind and the people around him. Today, it might be a bit difficult for most of us to step outside of the stream of modern life and simply become a sheppart in the forrest... 

But after this experience I personally began to question myself, my choices, my path. Shining more light into the deepest fears and shadows of self helped me to see my insecurities, my desires and my Ego self from a different perspective. 

I decided and everyday decide how I am painting my path. Realising that I a slave to my monkey mind, a slave that is stuck in the old system and the surrounding laws given to us by birth. This story of passover is my story of waking up to my truth, my purpose. The first step of embodying the message of love and unity by believing in myself an independent, strong and divine being.

By loving and trusting in myslef I have seen the world with different eyes as well. I am wittnessing the synchronized awakening story of millions of people all around the world. We are going out there to the streets, raising our voices, joining our hearts.

We are writing history today. You and me. By chosing to love ourselves and loving everyone else. By trusting in our truth and becoming one with the message of unity and love we are collectively freeing us from the old belief and slavery system of humankind. Let us embody this message of transition into a new Era, a new Paradigm and story of Unity together! 


Gorgeous photos by Veronique Zork


My top 5 favourite yoga asanas

Yoga is so good for our bodies, minds and spirits! I love to practice Yoga almost every day. This is why I researched a bit more about my favourite Yoga Asanas and their health benefits. Here I am sharing with you what I found out...

Warrior 1 – Virabhadrasana I

The Warrior I is a great pose for hectic days at work and additional relaxation of our bodies and minds. While in this pose we are strengthening our legs, we also are opening our chest and shoulders, movements which we usually don’t do throughout our day, but they are necessary for a good posture and peaceful mind. The effects out of this posture are incredibly: it strengthens the muscles of our knees and feet, it stretches our shoulders and spine, and it improves our focus.

Bridge – Bandha Sarvangasana

A great front hip joints opener, which also strengthens our spine, opens the chest, and improves our spinal flexibility in addition to stimulating our thyroid. This pose brings many benefits to our bodies, such as the relief from stress, anxiety, insomnia and it can help with depression.

King Dancer – Natarajasana

The King Dancer yoga pose strengthens our legs, improves balance and core strength while also stretches our shoulders and improves our focus. It is one of the most graceful asanas.

Chair – Utkatasana

The Chair yoga position tones our leg muscles, strengthens our hip reflexors, ankles, calves and back. It stretches the chest and shoulders. It reduces symptoms of flat feet and it stimulates our heart, diaphragm, and abdominal organs.

Boat – Navasana

The Boat yoga requires for one to be stable (as a boat) which means, straight back, chin looking forward, while knees and arms are locked. This is not an easy posture. Through it we build strong abdominal and core straight. POWER!

What are your favourite Yoga Asanas? :) Share it in the comments or let's connect on Instagram! 

IG: cosmiclila27


Vegan cheese Recipe – so Yummi!



Becoming a butterfly, flourishing and loving It is about loving ourselves, our mistakes and old habits. We decide to spread our wings and love unconditionally to the higher purpose of humanity. Loving the miracles of life, the joy and opportunity to evolve all together.



Healing as a story of reconnection to Self and the planet. How are you treating yourself and how do your choices influence the future? 

In order to make our world a better place we need to heal ourselves. Healing can be seen from so many different perspectives. Healing our physical body through the food and the medicine that we take. Healing our emotional state through processing difficult situations from the past in order to create a new future. Or healing as an collective by changing our directions and offering future generations a more regenerative way of living.  

Too often we don’t realize that we are a part of nature. We interact with our environment even if we find ourselves disconnected from it. nature lives in patterns and layers, ecosystems and orchestras, that inform and reflect each other to maintain balance and harmony as one. We only need to discover the pattern seen at all levels to heal.

On the physical level, our cell membrane is a permeable layer that interacts with other cells in its environment, choosing which ions to allow into the cell and which to repel. Likewise, our digestive tract is a permeable barrier that separates the food that nourishes our body from the blood that nourishes our cells. The skin also provides a permeable barrier between external and internal environments.

On a mental level, our perceptions are a the permeable barrier for our beliefs and thoughts. When we make choices based on our perceptions, we choose a path toward health or a path toward disease.

Orchestrating all layers and levels is the Higher Self, acting as conductor and offering up opportunities for growth at the spiritual level. Emotions are the wild card, if we still have access to them. They can lead us toward balance or they can run away with us, and get the best of us.

The interactions between our cells, our body, and our choices reflect the bigger picture of our personal relationships. Our personal relationships reflect exchanges between groups, communities, and the structures of government, education, medicine, economies, religion, and politics. All of these pictures mirror the picture of health for the planet.

And it doesn’t look pretty.

What appears to be the planet falling apart at the seams — earth quaking, oil spewing, document leaking, market manipulating, priest abusing, liberty crushing, rabble rousing, air polluting, industry-controlling, disease exploding — is really the proverbial mirror of our patterning of personal relationships.

The repeating destructive patterns in dysfunctional relationships never changes when we incorrectly attempt to fix the battle scars we see on the outside without dressing the wounds of the soft, chewy center. We are afraid to see that our discontent and disconnection with partners politicians, priests, and presidents starts with each of us.

In order to find balance, to be the activist environmentalist that heals the planet, we must first activate and balance our inner terrain. Because all relationships are spiritual in nature, we have to start with our own male and female energies, and claim our own piece of the energetic pie.

The union of our inner male and female energies is the essential ingredient that heals the tears in our seams and maintains our barriers. Self-forgiveness breeds forgiveness of others. Self-love breeds love for others. We cannot serve from an empty vessel. When we change the pattern and sew ourselves up, we sew up our relationships and the planet, as well. The microcosm is the macrocosm. Our nature is Nature. Relationships that do not evolve and grow will fall apart. Such is nature.

Not surprisingly, reconnection and healing happens through the heart centre. How to activate the heart chakra is another story. Stay tuned for Part 2.



Awakening to your true potential and your inner calling to be the best version of yourself! Who am I and what is my life purpose? 

To be awake in life means that we are fully conscious of the present moment. Whatever we do, we do it fully consciously, focusing on all our attention to the activity we are actually performing. 

Sounds easy! It is not.. We all know these situations where we react differently than we actually wanted to. The situations where we say mean things to the people we love most, but immediately regret it afterwards. These emotional breakouts and moments of unconscious chaos. We all know them. 

“awakening occurs when, for whatever reason, the ego somehow let’s go so that a Higher Self or Spirit can arise within.”

The moment when we acknowledge these unserving personality traits,  our bad behaviours and the negative patterns, we wake up. We realize that we have an “original spirit” or what Carl C. Jung called the Self.  It is the return of this higher self that makes us truly human. 

It is a process that takes time, exercise and lots of patience. 

How we are born into our lifes… 

We are born alone, but still as a part of a collective. In our first years of childhood we begin to grow with our family, friends, school, religion, and culture that shapes our personality.

We could call it the acquired mind as we acquire most of our knowledge through our environment. 

In the external world, this environment is conventional (as in conventional rules or conventional society).

This conventional code has specific guidelines of what we should believe, how we should behave and what we should do. This conventional, external world has structure and order that was created for many years. 

Our inner world… 

What we find out after a while is that within us is an entirely different world. And this inner world, for most of us, is as chaotic as ocean waves during a storm.

Both Freud and Jung, famous psychoanalysts,  called this undifferentiated chaos the unconscious.

This unconscious is everything within us that falls outside of our conscious awareness—everything we don’t know or can’t observe within ourselves. 

While we want to believe we’re conscious of most of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviour, all evidence suggests otherwise. We are, in truth, mostly unconscious beings.

This means that in the beginning, we are mostly asleep. Our surroundings and the society in which we were born conditions our consciousness. And so we remain unconscious to our true self for a long time. 

So how to begin this journey of awakening, of being more conscious?

Waking up is the stage of endless research and learning. Studying and processing information, about oneself and the world around us.

Let’s go on this learning journey together! 

Read more:


Guatemala: Mushroom Cultivation Course at Fungi Academy, Lake Atitlán

During this adventure in Guatemala I learned together with my beloved mom about the importance of mushroom cultivation and how it can regenerate our soil.

It was a spontaneous decision that we made in bed on a TV evening together. Through Facebook we found out about the course. When we looked at the Fungi Academy page together, a strong feeling suddenly grabbed us: WE HAVE TO GO THERE!

About Fungi Academy

Oliver from Estonia wanted to make an experiment: travel around the world without money. He had already been in Mexico for two months when he met his German Co-founder Silvan, who rented a house in San Marcos de la Laguna, Guatemala. There they lived together with others for a few weeks and started to grow medicinal mushrooms in their cellar with the simplest of means. After a while Silvan decided to go back to Germany and Oliver went back to Estonia where he met Tanel. Oliver told him about his experiences at Lake Atitlan and the two of them deepened their knowledge of mushroom growing. Afterwards they went back together to San Marcos, where they borrowed some land from a local.

The local liked the guys and their attitude to life, they were allowed to live on his land and pursue their dream of opening a mushroom cultivation Academy. After a few months working on their project someone in the village told them about a man who came from Mexico and knew a lot about mushrooms, they decided to meet him. When they saw the man they were more than amazed, because it was none other than Silvan, who had not decided to go back to Germany but to continue his journey in Mexico.

The three formed a strong team and laid the foundation for Fungi Academy.
For four years now, this project has lived and breathed life and is growing together through the constant volunteers who come from all over the world to the large living room of a beautiful community.

We believe Fungi and Mushrooms play a fundamental role in healing ourselves, the global community and our planet Earth as a whole. For us, Fungi is an “elder species” that is helping humanity to become more mature, responsible and conscious.

That’s why we created Fungi Academy, an alliance between humans and fungi, that inspires us to live in balance with each other and our environment.

– Fungi Academy

Situated at 1500m in the small hippie village of San Marcos de la Laguna, the Fungi Academy is located together with its founders and volunteers. With a view of Lake Atitlan and the surrounding volcanoes, it is one of the most magical places I have ever seen.

10 Superpowers of Fungi and how it can change our world

There is much wisdom to be learned from the fifth kingdom. Fungi have been healing and balancing life on earth for billions of years. Often referred to as “Nature’s Internet, fungi produce underground communication channels called mycelium that help plants and trees share chemical knowledge throughout an ecosystem. This subterranean “wood wide web” enables mature trees to pass nutrients on to younger plants of their own species. It allows infected trees to send warning of disease to its healthy neighbors. These networks allow for two-way communication between all species in the forest. In a healthy ecosystem, fungi serve as the platform for all beings to connect, support and thrive on this planet.

In an increasingly broken world, fungiculture is an opportunity. A chance to reconnect, rebuild and remediate our home planet.

Here are a few ways they can help:


The fungal fruiting bodies known as mushrooms are a delicious, nutritious and sustainable food source that anyone can learn to cultivate. Mushrooms are rich intrace minerals, vitamins, calcium, and protein, making them a wonderful alternative for those that choose not to eat meat or animal products. Cultivating mushrooms is also dramatically less energy and space intensive than raising livestock, like cows. They can even be grown on “waste streams” such as straw, corn waste, spent coffee grounds, grain hulls, unbleached egg carton and more. One acre of corn used to grow mushrooms yields 7.5 times the crude protein than when fed directly to cattle for beef (Source: Developments in Industrial Microbiology, 1962).


Mycelium forms a dense web that can be used as a biological water filter in a process called mycofiltration. This membrane is able to trap microbes, pollutants and silt, making mycofiltration a promising solution for restoring the health of lakes and rivers, as well as cleaning and utilizing stormwater, greywater, agricultural runoff and more. Water flows through the mycelia membrane and the fungus traps and in most cases, digests the pollutants. Fungi are so good at breaking these compounds down, you can even eat the mushrooms when the filter begins fruiting, so long as there are no heavy metals present. Many species have specific antimicrobial abilities. For example, the fast-growing Pearl Oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) is able to trap a diverse range of pathogens, including E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus (Source: Mycelium Running, Stamets).


Certain species of fruiting and non-fruiting fungi grown alongside plants dramatically increase the yield, appearance and overall health of your plants. While a few species such as King Stropharia (Stropharia rugoso-annulata) and Elm Oyster (Hypsizigus ulmarius) stand out as impressive companion planting mushrooms, there is still much to learn about this phenomenon. Many relationships are still unknown, as particular species of fungi have varying effects on different plant families. For example, a 1999 study conducted at the University of Innsbruck, Austria found that Elm Oysters planted with the Brassica family (including Brussels sprouts and broccoli) yielded 4 to 6 times as many vegetables as those planted without.


Fungi can heal our damaged ecosystems by breaking down dangerous environmental toxins including PCBs and petrochemicals. In 1998, a study conducted by Paul Stamets’ research team at Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories used mycoremediation techniques in order to restore a contaminated trucking maintenance yard. Nearly 2% of the total soil content was found to be made up of diesel and oil products. They layered oyster mycelium in piles of contaminated soil, covered with a tarp, and returned four weeks later to a flourishing flush. Hundreds of massive oyster mushrooms dotted the site, and the soil turned from malodorous black to a healthy light brown.

Alone these results are impressive, but then the mushrooms mature a few weeks later, attracting insects to feast and reproduce. Shortly after, the insects attracted birds, who then brought seeds to the once-lifeless site. Not only did the mycelium succeed in degrading toxins from the site, but it actually set the stage for the succession of an entire ecosystem.


It is no secret that abuse of plastics as “disposable” material has led to one of thelargest ecological disasters of our lifetime. The global demand for plastic has increased from 1.5 million tons in 1950 to 322 million tons in 2015, with production still increasing at an alarming pace.  What if we could take all that plastic and transform it into food? Pestalotiopsis microspora, heralding from the Amazonian rainforests of Ecuador, may be the answer. It is the first fungus found to be able to survive entirely on polyurethaneP. microspora is able to break down synthetic polymers into their basic components, giving the fungus all the nutrients it needs to build its own tasty, completely safe-for-human-consumption tissues.


Fungi have been orchestrating the succession of ecosystems on this planet since they arrived here over a billion years ago. Many fungi produce oxalic acid, which mineralizes uninhabitable rock and sequesters carbon dioxide. This process causes rock to crumble and create rich soil as the mycelia stretch out over their new home. Fungi can also be applied to restore nutrient-depleted soil, improve soil structure and stability, reduce erosion. Mycorrhizae are fungi that form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, increasing efficiency of plant nutrient use  and thus decreasing the need for fertilizers. These mycorrhizal species also increase plant health and suppress pathogens, which decreases the need for pesticides.


Mycelium grown on what many consider to be “waste streams” (agricultural waste, discarded natural fiber, cardboard, egg carton and more) actually serves as a biodegradable, high performing material that can be shaped into almost any form. Eco-innovators from around the globe are finding a wide variety of exciting applications, from producing compostable packing material, to vegan leathersurfboardsfurniturebuilding materials and more! Mycelium products are rapidly renewable, fire resistant, buoyant, home compostable, structurally sound and require no petrochemicals and nearly zero energy to produce (Source: Ecovative Design).


Medicinal mushrooms have been appreciated around the world for their incredible healing properties for thousands of years. From China and Japan to southwest Nigeria, mushrooms are an integral part of many ancient medicine traditions. These masters of transformation are unsurprisingly brilliant at transmuting metabolic waste and neutralize toxic accumulations in the body— without the eliminative catharsis of many pharmaceuticals. Mushrooms are powerful medicine for the human body, from boosting overall immunity and mental acuity, to offering treatments for more critical conditions including cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and more.


On a physical level, Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is an incredible medicine for the human brain. The fungus produces a compound called erinacine, an anticonvulsant that helps protect those susceptible to epilepsy, stroke, brain and spinal injuries. Lion’s Mane also synthesizes Nerve Growth Factor, which is required for developing brains, as well as patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, multiple sclerosis and other degenerative nerve diseases. Even those without critical conditions report increased cognitive function when taking Lion’s Mane.

From unity experiences at high doses to the fast-growing trend of microdosing, psychedelics are quickly gaining mainstream recognition for their consciousness-expanding abilities. In terms of mental health, more and more people are finding relief through the regular use of magic mushrooms. Microdosing, or psycholytic dosing, refers to integrating sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics into your daily routine. A true microdose is around one-tenth of what one might take to experience a full journey, (around 0.2-0.5 grams dried mushrooms, 6-25 micrograms LSD, 50-75 micrograms mescaline). 

While results are primarily anecdotal, those who have invited microdosing into their lives report levels of increased creativity and flow, more focus and energy, and improved interpersonal skills. Many have experienced alleviation of symptoms associated with mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsion, ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more.


We are on the cusp of a new era of psychedelic use. The formerly taboo topic of tripping has been rapidly infiltrating the mainstream for the last few years. Silicon Valley professionals are microdosing LSD to get a creative edge. Spiritual seekers from the Western world are flocking to Peru to have a “life changing experience” with Mother Ayahuasca. Stay-at-home moms are finding more relief using magic mushrooms than with SSRIs in treating persistent depression. 

The psychedelic experience is deeply personal, and yet many universal truths seem to emerge. Direct divinity experiences and a deep, seemingly inseparable connection to the natural world are among the most common and profound takeaways. Some even experience an “ego death,” allowing them to view their lives with clarity and enlightened detachment.

Western culture is only just catching on to what other civilizations have been doing for at least nine thousand years.Entheogens, which literally translates to “generating the divine within,” are used traditionally around the world as sacrament in religious ceremonies, as divination tools, and to foster healing. As a culture of consumers, however, we must be conscious about how we are using or abusing our plant teachers. As global demand increases, these plants are being harvested in unsustainable ways. From the cultural and environmental impact of the ever-growing ayahuasca tourism industry in the Amazon, to the deforestation of iboga to near extinction in Africa, to the ripping up of mature mimosa trees for their root bark in Brazil, to the destruction of what remains of the shrinking North American peyote population, it is ironic that our search for experiences that connect us to Mother Nature, we have been tearing her apart.

Here you can see all steps to successfully grow mushrooms!

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