Awakening to your true potential and your inner calling to be the best version of yourself! Who am I and what is my life purpose? 

To be awake in life means that we are fully conscious of the present moment. Whatever we do, we do it fully consciously, focusing on all our attention to the activity we are actually performing. 

Sounds easy! It is not.. We all know these situations where we react differently than we actually wanted to. The situations where we say mean things to the people we love most, but immediately regret it afterwards. These emotional breakouts and moments of unconscious chaos. We all know them. 

“awakening occurs when, for whatever reason, the ego somehow let’s go so that a Higher Self or Spirit can arise within.”

The moment when we acknowledge these unserving personality traits,  our bad behaviours and the negative patterns, we wake up. We realize that we have an “original spirit” or what Carl C. Jung called the Self.  It is the return of this higher self that makes us truly human. 

It is a process that takes time, exercise and lots of patience. 

How we are born into our lifes… 

We are born alone, but still as a part of a collective. In our first years of childhood we begin to grow with our family, friends, school, religion, and culture that shapes our personality.

We could call it the acquired mind as we acquire most of our knowledge through our environment. 

In the external world, this environment is conventional (as in conventional rules or conventional society).

This conventional code has specific guidelines of what we should believe, how we should behave and what we should do. This conventional, external world has structure and order that was created for many years. 

Our inner world… 

What we find out after a while is that within us is an entirely different world. And this inner world, for most of us, is as chaotic as ocean waves during a storm.

Both Freud and Jung, famous psychoanalysts,  called this undifferentiated chaos the unconscious.

This unconscious is everything within us that falls outside of our conscious awareness—everything we don’t know or can’t observe within ourselves. 

While we want to believe we’re conscious of most of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviour, all evidence suggests otherwise. We are, in truth, mostly unconscious beings.

This means that in the beginning, we are mostly asleep. Our surroundings and the society in which we were born conditions our consciousness. And so we remain unconscious to our true self for a long time. 

So how to begin this journey of awakening, of being more conscious?

Waking up is the stage of endless research and learning. Studying and processing information, about oneself and the world around us.

Let’s go on this learning journey together! 

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